
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Christmas with the goats!

My dear Angel Bugs,

We visited our favorite place today and it didn't disappoint!  They had a huge area called Cowboy Boot camp with lots of fun activities for you two! You got to practice milking a fake cow, brush a pony, play in a huge bean box! It was beautiful outside and we had a great time! Of course we visited the goats too!

Santa was helicoptered in. Haha. You two didn't really care because you were too busy crafting.

We love days like this!

Love Always,

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We are moving!

My dear Angel Bug Loves,

We are moving soon from our little town home in Escondido.  Although I should be packing, my heart is a wee bit heavy tonight.  While I am excited to move into our new house in Temecula, this was a good little home the last two years and we were very happy here. Here are some pictures of you in our first few months of living here.  LOOK how little you were *sniff*

Now you two are so big and grown up! I have been feeling so guilty lately (unfortunately, your momma deals with guilt A LOT) that we haven't been able to decorate for Christmas and do our little crafts.  We haven't even had school since October :(  I feel like your little childhood is slipping away and I get down on myself when we don't spend every minute learning or painting or even reading some days. Then I remember that you ARE learning everyday whether I am actively "teaching"  you "school" things or just how to do everyday things and how to love each other, forgive each other, and share!  If I can get up in the morning and get you bathed and dressed and fed, I deserve a medal. Ha!

So although I haven't taken very many pictures lately, here are a few I couldn't resist sharing with you!

Chloe!! Look how beautiful you are!

Even when you are still half dressed in your jammas!

You two are still playing with Minnie!

We did manage to get in one craft this month!

Most importantly, look how much you have grown to love each other.  Kaitlyn you are so loving (most of the time!) to you little sister.  Here you are taking care of her after she bumped her head.

I'm so proud of you girls. I am soooo thankful I get to stay home with you, even if all we manage to do is get up and get dressed and eat three meals that day! I LOVE you! 

Love Always,

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


My dear Angel Bugs,
It is soooo much easier to go to parks and play areas with you now that you are older! I remember trying to hold Chloe in a baby carrier while trying to put Kaitlyn in a swing! Helping you down from the top of play structures when you were too scared to get down by yourself. Whew lots of work!

Now you guys just run and play together and with whatever friends you find! Here you are at the new play area at our mall.

Silly Girls!
Love Always,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Coin Charts

My dear Angel Bugs,
Your Aunt Teresa shared this with me from an evil website called Pinterest (ok, it's not really evil, but it sure is addictive!).  These are your Coin Charts! If you are bad, you lose a coin.  If you have all your coins at the end of the night, you get a sticker.  After 10 stickers, you meet your goal which is something you have decided you want!  It works pretty well and you have met several goals now.  I love what you come up with.  We had ice cream for one goal, went to see the goats for another, and right now we are working towards going to the movies :)
You each got to pick out your coin pictures, which you thought was a blast.  Hopefully this works for a lonnnnngggg time!

Love Always,

Chloe's first haircut

My dear Angel Bugs,

We enjoy getting our haircuts at the "castle" place. This was Chloe's first time!

Friday, November 2, 2012

My sweet Chloe

My dear Angel Bug Chloe,

You turned three last month!!!! Three!!!!!!!!!!  I can't believe it! 

Here are some pictures over the last year!

This was your second birthday picture.

You and Kaitlyn have started to play much better with each other and for longer periods of time!  You still fight, but I think because you can follow her commands, you get along well. haha.  


 This past year brought many changes. I bravely started potty training you when you turned two. It has taken a year, but I think you are mostly potty trained! You actually grasped the concept of using the potty chair quite easily and quickly. However, anytime you had underwear on, you must have thought it was a diaper. So for most of your twos, you ran around bottomless. Haha. I think you liked it though. Just in the last week though, you have been able to go accident free. Yay for us!

 You are definitely the comedian around here. You talk about poopy and pee a lot, but it makes me laugh most of the time and you make up songs about it too. You also say a lot of things are "becusting" (disgusting) which also makes me laugh.

Which brings me to the next thing. You have this weird obsession with underwear! You love to hold on to it or use them as little blankets for your animals. At least you get the clean pairs to play with.

 I am continually amazed at how well you play by yourself. I can be in the middle of something and hear your little voice upstairs with your little animals, making up their different voices. I just love to hear it. 

You transitioned to a "big girl" bed longgggg ago, and it took a few nights for you to stay put!

You also love to hang on to our clothes and suck your thumb! I know I need to get you to stop sucking your thumb, but it's so comforting to you and a part of me still sees you as my little babe. Sigh.

We had a Bug/Garden themed party for you! We had bug themed food and garden decorations. The pictures don't really do it justice! Grandma Nancy did a great job decorating :) We painted flower pots, made bug antennae headbands, played wth playdoh, and Kayley did face painting.


 You are my little babe Chloe, and we just adore you.
 Love Always,